

Welcome to STORM, our unique suite of tools for operational risk management

We at SHIELD view risk management as a value-adding management activity that greatly enhances business performance. Years of operational practise with a large variety of clients in the fields of security, health and safety, project management and business continuity management have taught us many valuable lessons about risk and its management.

Perhaps the most important message we have learnt is that risk can only be managed through a combination of reliable common sense coupled with sound judgment. The processes of hazard and threat identification, risk analysis and control should not be unnecessarily complicated or confusing. No amount of theory replaces common sense and no risk management method in itself will actually stop an undesirable event from happening.

Risk management tools are a means to an end and for us at SHIELD the end is sustainable, business friendly and cost-effective operational risk management. This conviction is central to our design philosophy on STORM.

With STORM, we bring you a suite of easy-to-use, well designed tools which will enhance your risk management experience, as a professional, as well as support the business through unique benefits. Combining field experience and in-depth understanding of risk management theory and methodologies, STORM allows professional practitioners to perform risk management activities in various fields, to the benefit of business.

In this respect, STORM is unique and we want your experience with it to be equally rewarding.

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